Let’s be brutally honest: moving sucks! That’s a bonafide fact. There’s really no way around that, but it can be a lot more tolerable and a lot less stressful. A lot of moving generally takes place over the course of a few months, and while everyone’s experience and needs will vary, a lot of the work involved in moving is the same no matter who you are. A little extra work prior to your scheduled moving date will save everyone a lot of extra work following the move.

Moving can be very stressful… but if you follow these steps, your moving experience will be worry and stress-free!
Step 1: Preparation
There is so much to do in preparation for your move: set up mail forwarding, change over your utilities, acquire packing supplies, and so on. The move, itself, is really the easy part, as you’ll spend most of your time packing and unpacking. If you want everything else to go as smoothly as possible, you’ll need to prepare well. It’s a time-consuming and details-oriented process, but it’ll ultimately make your move significantly simpler and far less stressful.
Step 2: Packing
More than anything, people hate packing boxes because of how long it takes to do it well and how many things there are to consider. On top of that, you have to think about what you can’t pack and actually need of a day-to-day basis. When you’re surrounded by everything you can’t yet pack, it gets a little stressful. The key is breaking this huge undertaking into smaller, more manageable pieces.
Step 3: Labeling and Managing Inventory
Unmarked boxes are a headache when unpacking time arrives, but there are so many ways to keep track of your stuff—and label it informatively—that it can be hard to find the best system. The most common method involves a black marker and room names on your boxes. Some people find this method really annoying, however, because they generally have to bend themselves in an awkward position just to write on the box. Space to write is another concern, especially with smaller boxes. Inventorying and labeling is one of those things best handled on a computer or mobile device, as these will provide you with the easiest way to search for specific items you may need sooner than others immediately following your move.
Step 4: Moving In
If you’ve taken the time to prepare, unpacking shouldn’t be too difficult. Nonetheless, you’ll still have a number of tasks ahead of you. Hopefully your couch made it over in one piece, but some furniture (i.e., your bed) is probably best when transferred in disassembled form. If you find that you don’t quite remember how to put Humpty Dumpty back together again, don’t be afraid to contact the manufacturer to have assembly instructions send to you (via mail, email, or fax); you might even be able to find the instructions online.
Because moving is such a large undertaking and there are so many moving parts, it is hard to cover them all in one succinct blog without omitting a few things. If this blog hasn’t fully answered all of the questions you may have had, please feel free to give us a call. Unlimited Security will be more than happy to answer any and all questions that may be dancing around in your head as well as provide you with a top-notch security system to protect your new home.