While everyone values home security and personal safety as much as anything else in life, most homeowners make common mistakes that jeopardize it. From ladders left in yards to packaging of major purchases set out with contents clearly visible, homeowners routinely invite burglary. Whether homeowners are just at work or away on vacation, a few simple steps can be taken to protect the home from a break-in.
Spotting the Obvious
Usually planning to return at the end of the day, homeowners pull out of their driveways without ever really noticing things that attract burglars. Windows left partially open to let fresh air in the house let burglars come in too, and are the primary means of entry for them. Ladders that were used to clear gutters or replace light bulbs are left propped against the side of the house. They might as well have signs that say, “Use Me”, and give intruders access to upper-level windows left open.
Packaging lets burglars know that there’s a brand new 50” high definition television in the house. Again, why not put a sign in the yard that says, “Valuable Items Inside”, or just set the TV outside and save the front door? Taking the time to reverse the packaging of new purchases, so that its contents remain unknown, before setting it out with recycling is worthwhile.
Best Efforts Keep the Home Safe
The most effective ways to protect your home are with an electronic security system and outdoor lighting. Dark attracts criminals, and if no cavalry is on the way, they are more likely to take their chances of entering your home undetected. Triggering alarms at remote locations as well as in the house, home security systems are an extremely effective way to prevent entry.
Finally, there is no need to announce your vacation plans before you go, and common evidence that you are away can be avoided. Newspaper and mail delivery can be stopped, and lights can be put on variable timers, coming on at different times every day. These and other sensible steps should be taken whether or not a home security system is installed, keeping the home safe when you are away.