Wow – 2017 is flying by and soon the holidays will be upon us! We know that homeowners all throughout the area are trying to stay ahead of schedule by getting their shopping and decorating done early! That being said, it’s important to stay safe as you prepare for this festive time of year. With all of the get-together’s and events going on, it can be hard to stay on top of things. Read up on our tips to make sure you and your family stay protected!
Don’t Announce Your Travel Plans
With the countless forms of social media out there, it’s easy to reveal to anyone where you may be going and when you’ll be out of town. Many times, this is done mindlessly in a comment, without even thinking about it. We encourage homeowners to be extra cautious about displaying any travel plans online! It’s easier than you may think for outsiders to get this information and, once they know you’re gone, your home will be an easy target for robbers.
On this same note, if you are leaving for a longer period of time, ask a friend or neighbor to stop by every once in awhile to keep an eye on things. Ask if they’ll shovel your driveway, as needed, and pick up any mail that’s been delivered. All of these things make it appear as though someone is at home and will help to deter burglars.
Protect Your Packages
Online shopping has become incredibly popular in recent years and we totally get why! It’s convenient and easy, and you can get tons done without leaving your couch. Unfortunately, robbers prey on homes that get packages delivered, and it seems as if they are always out and about trying to snatch the boxes before the homeowner can get to them. Be alert, and make sure you’re getting to your packages right away! You can also ask your local post office if there are other options for retrieving mail when you are not home.
Along with this, it’s important to keep your gifts safe while they are inside of your home, too! As Christmas nears, it’s common to start piling wrapped presents under the tree. Yet, if someone suspicious spots a bunch of big gifts through the window, they may make your home the next target. Try to keep gifts away from windows and doors. This will help remove any temptation from the outside.
Be Careful With Lighting
One part of Christmastime fun is decorating your home and tree with twinkling lights. They add a great ambiance and really help bring out that festive spirit that everyone is looking for. That being said, all of these extra lights increase the chances of experiencing a fire. Make sure your lights are in good condition and that no wires are frayed or bulbs are cracked. Avoid flammable decorations when possible, and be sure to turn everything off before going to bed at night.
Turn To Us For All Your Safety Needs!
Whether you’re looking for home protection, extra security for your business, or fire alarm systems, we can help you out! At Unlimited Security, we have everything you need to make your home and family as safe as possible this holiday season. Turn to us now and we’ll find the perfect plan for your unique needs – call today!