With summer in full swing, you are probably spending more time outdoors in the backyard. You may also be opening windows in your home to catch a fresh breeze, and you may not be as careful about locking doors since people are going in and out more frequently. Many homeowners believe that if they are in the backyard on their own property, their home is safe from any sort of crime. However, if you are spending time outside in the backyard, you may not know what is going on in the front of your house. Criminals look for opened windows, and they may use them as opportunities to quickly steal something from your home while you are entertaining in your backyard. If your front door is unlocked, it can be even easier for them to get into your home. While making sure all doors and windows are always locked might seem like a no-brainer, you might be surprised at how often it happens. How Stuff Works reports that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) found that almost 28 percent of total burglaries in 2006 were no-forced entries. Unlimited Security would like to remind you of the importance of locking up your home at all times.

Don't Forget To Lock Up - Nashville TN - Unlimited SecurityMake sure your entry doors all have a deadbolt lock.

Unlimited Security recommends installing a double cylinder deadbolt lock on every entry door in your home, especially if you have doors that have glass panes within 40 inches of the door knob. This kind of lock requires a key on both sides of the door and prevents a thief from being able to break the glass pane to unlock the deadbolt. However, these types of locks can be a violation of fire codes in some areas, so be sure to check and see if your town allows double cylinder deadbolt locks. If so, you can have your glass-paned doors replaced with solid doors.

Ensure all windows and sliding doors are secured.

Sometimes, we can be a bit lazy and forgetful when shutting our windows and not completely lock the windows. We may even forget to close windows before going to the backyard or on a walk around the neighborhood. Locking every window is essential in keeping thieves out of your home. This also goes for any sliding doors in your house. For the best protection, you can place a length of wood in the track of sliding doors and windows to keep them completely secured. You can even find locks that require keys for windows and sliding doors.

Remember every entry point.

It can be easy to leave the backyard fence unlocked when you take your dog on a neighborhood stroll, but, with the increased neighborhood traffic in the summer, a thief may see you leave on your walk and attempt to make a move while you are gone. This is why it is essential to remember to lock EVERY entry point on your property, even if you will only be gone for 10 minutes. Thieves like to check fences and garages for ways to get access into homes, so never forget to lock everything up when you leave.

For more crime prevention tips, contact us at Unlimited Security. Our staff is happy to keep your home safe and protected.