As children, we have all heard the tip, “Never talk to strangers,” but when you are teaching your own kids about personal safety, you would like to be able to explain why strangers cannot always be trusted. Providing specific instructions on what to do in a potentially dangerous situation can be helpful when you are talking to your children about strangers and personal safety. Unlimited Security would like to share with you some information from the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) on teaching your child about strangers and personal safety.
Who exactly is a stranger?
Kids tend to imagine monsters in their heads when they think of bad strangers, and this could be dangerous as dangerous strangers do not always look scary or unattractive. Tell your children that a stranger is anyone your family does not know well. Explain that it can be difficult to tell whether a stranger is nice or not nice just by looking at the stranger’s appearance. This is why it is important to teach your kids that they should always be careful around strangers. However, not all strangers are bad, and you should also teach your children who the safe strangers are.
Who are safe strangers?
It is equally important to teach your kids about which adults they do not know are safe so that they know who they can trust to ask for help if needed. Police officers and firefighters are good examples of safe strangers, along with teachers, librarians, and principals. Make sure to emphasize to your children that they should always ask a safe stranger for help in a public place. When you are out with your kids, show them examples of safe strangers. Also show them safe places, like stores and restaurants, where they can go to ask for help if necessary.
What is another important topic to cover when teaching my children about personal safety?
Another great way to help protect your kids is to teach them to be aware of potentially dangerous situations. You want them to be able to recognize the warning signs of suspicious behavior. These red flags include an adult asking them to disobey their parents, asking them to keep a secret from their parents, asking children for help, and making them feel uncomfortable in any way.
How should I teach my children to handle a dangerous situation?
A simple way to teach your kids about how to behave in these instances (and will also be easy for your kids to remember) is the saying: “No. Go. Yell. Tell.” If one of your children finds him or herself in a dangerous situation, he or she should tell the person no, run away, yell as loudly as possible, and tell a trusted adult or a safe stranger immediately. Reassure them that it is okay to say no to an adult and to yell if they are in danger.
Have any questions about how to teach your kids about personal safety? You can call or email Unlimited Security to learn more tips and suggestions.